Category Archives: Theravent

Snoring Aids Expert Reviews: Who Makes The Best Anti Snoring Device | Beaver County, PA |

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Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring Aids Expert Reviews: Who Makes The Best Anti Snoring Device

Snoring and being healthy just do not go together. Snoring can cause everything from all day fatigue to heart and circulatory problems. It is a very overlooked area of health and could easily be classified as a “silent killer.” That is exactly why I created this site. You need to know the truth about snoring and what it is really doing to you.

Are you always tired?

Do you feel like no matter how much you sleep you are never well rested?

Are you at risk for a heart attack or stroke?

Is your love life and libido a mere fraction of what it used to be?

Snoring may be to blame.

I have done my best to provide you with everything you need to know about snoring. On this site you will find information that can help you determine why you snore, what you can do about it, and what solutions are available for you.

I’m sure that you have seen at least one product that is made to keep you from snoring. I have written in-depth reviews on each one that reveal the good, the bad, and the ugly. Too many people try a snoring solution only to find that is does not work for them. Effective aids are available; the problem is that most people do not know which one is really right for them.

The articles and reviews on this site will help you discover exactly why you snore and what the most effective solution is for you. There are simply too many products on the market to spend your hard earned money on all of them. Check out my reviews and you can save yourself a lot of cash and headaches by making the right choice the first time.

Please look over all of the information on my site. It will help you to make the best decision possible if you really want to stop snoring. Be sure to read my articles first, they will tell you the truth about snoring. Then you will know why I am so passionate about helping you.


Dr. Robert Baker Chippewa, PA


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Posted by on November 10, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


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4 Ways To Stop Snoring | Ways to STOP SNORING | How to stop! |


How to stop snoring with and Dr. Robert J. Baker, MD, of Beaver, PA which suggest oral appliances and beat the snoring epidemic. Read how!

Before you and your spouse resort to sleeping in separate beds, try these remedies for snoring.

Forget about the monster under your bed. If you have a partner who snores, you’re dealing with a monster in your bed — and it’s often a near-nightly showdown. In a new National Sleep Foundation survey, 40 percent of Americans admitted to snoring a few nights per week or more

And the ones who are suffering aren’t usually the folks sawing logs. “The most common side effect of snoring is waking up other people, whether in the same bed or the next bedroom, depending on how loud it is,” says Dr. Robert J. Baker, MD, a medical professional of dentistry of Western Pennsylvania in Beaver Falls, PA, who specializes in the treatment of snoring.

 In fact, people with a snoring significant other tend to lose an hour of sleep per night, according to Dr. Baker. Perhaps as a result, “couples in snoring relationships report lower marital satisfaction scores, they have less sex, and they often resort to sleeping apart,” he says.

 Snoring is considered a social issue more so than a medical one, although in some cases, it does indicate a more serious problem: obstructive sleep apnea. “When we go to sleep at night, the muscles in the throat relax, and as we breathe in and out, this relaxed tissue tends to vibrate,” explains Dr. Baker. If that tissue simply vibrates — and nothing more — you’ll probably just bother your bedmate. But if that tissue closes as it vibrates, blocking your airway, you may have obstructive sleep apnea and are in need of a sleep appliance. “Snoring and sleep apnea are really just different points on a continuum,” says Dr. Baker.

 Obstructive Sleep Apnea, of course sometimes, requires serious medical intervention. However, Sleep Apnea and snoring may be fixed with something as simple as an Oral Appliance that Dr. Baker recommends for all his patients. Go to and take the FREE sleep study test to see if you qualify for a sleep appliance that most insurances will take. But simple snoring can often be treated with these at-home remedies:

Adjust your body positioning laying in bed…

If you’re a chronic snorer, back isn’t best. “Most people snore more on the back than they do on the side, and more on the side than they do on the stomach,” says Dr. Baker. It can be tough to switch your preferred sleeping position, so sleep doctors often suggest this trick to encourage people to stay on their side: Sew a pocket on the back of a T-shirt between the shoulder blades, and slip two tennis balls inside.

“When people sleep on their side, their shoulder can get sore. So they roll on their back,” says Dr. Baker. “The tennis balls aren’t very comfortable, so they end up rolling to their other side.”

Not extreme enough? Try the Night Shift Sleep Positioner, a device you wear around your neck that vibrates when you roll onto your back, increasing in intensity until you shift to your side. “I wore it one night, and it drove me crazy,” says Dr. Baker. “But it worked. After a few days of that, you would not be sleeping on your back.”

Play with you pillows…

For some people, the tennis ball trick works — but only because it keeps them up all night. If you simply can’t sleep with sports equipment attached to your pajamas, try resting a body pillow between your legs, which helps align your spine and makes side sleeping more comfortable. You can also wedge a C-shaped pregnancy pillow behind your back, Dr. Baker suggests.

If you still can’t adjust to lying on your side, lie on your back, but prop up your head and shoulders. “You want to make a little incline — a wedge — with a couple pillows,” says Dr. Baker. “It’s not just lifting up your head.” Try placing one underneath your shoulders to elevate your chest, then another two under your head. That may help keep the back of your throat open.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before bed…

It’s not just your inhibitions that loosen up when you’re drinking. “Alcohol preferentially relaxes the muscles in the throat, so everybody’s snoring is worse after a couple drinks,” says Dr. Baker. Plus, since you’re more sedated after drinking, your snoring is less likely to stir you awake, leaving your bedmate to suffer longer. “Most wives will tell you, ‘When my husband goes out drinking with his buddies, he is going to snore like crazy that evening. I don’t even sleep in the bed with him that night,’” says some of Dr. Baker’s patients. The simple fix: Stop your alcohol intake within four hours of bedtime.

Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA suggests to all of his patients suffering from any snoring issue to try oral appliances. His patients state that the appliances really do make a difference in their sleep patterns and the lives of their loved ones.

If you or someone that you know has snoring problems, visit, take the sleep study test, and Dr. Baker’s office will contact you. You can also visit one of Dr. Bakers offices located in Beaver Falls, New Castle, Sarver, Butler, and Cranberry Township. They will be happy to set you up with an appointment.

Happy Sleeping!

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Posted by on September 13, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


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7 Ways To Stop Your Snoring | STOP SNORING | Remedies to STOP Snoring |

620x349xSnoring-couple_high50_620.jpg.pagespeed.ic.zCls8Kn2yA and Dr. Robert J. Baker, MD, of Beaver, PA suggest oral appliances and beat the snoring epidemic. Read how!

Before you and your spouse resort to sleeping in separate beds, try these remedies for snoring.

Forget about the monster under your bed. If you have a partner who snores, you’re dealing with a monster in your bed — and it’s often a near-nightly showdown. In a new National Sleep Foundation survey, 40 percent of Americans admitted to snoring a few nights per week or more

And the ones who are suffering aren’t usually the folks sawing logs. “The most common side effect of snoring is waking up other people, whether in the same bed or the next bedroom, depending on how loud it is,” says Dr. Robert J. Baker, MD, a medical professional of dentistry of Western Pennsylvania in Beaver Falls, PA, who specializes in the treatment of snoring.

 In fact, people with a snoring significant other tend to lose an hour of sleep per night, according to Dr. Baker. Perhaps as a result, “couples in snoring relationships report lower marital satisfaction scores, they have less sex, and they often resort to sleeping apart,” he says.

 Snoring is considered a social issue more so than a medical one, although in some cases, it does indicate a more serious problem: obstructive sleep apnea. “When we go to sleep at night, the muscles in the throat relax, and as we breathe in and out, this relaxed tissue tends to vibrate,” explains Dr. Baker. If that tissue simply vibrates — and nothing more — you’ll probably just bother your bedmate. But if that tissue closes as it vibrates, blocking your airway, you may have obstructive sleep apnea and are in need of a sleep appliance. “Snoring and sleep apnea are really just different points on a continuum,” says Dr. Baker.

 Obstructive Sleep Apnea, of course sometimes, requires serious medical intervention. However, Sleep Apnea and snoring may be fixed with something as simple as an Oral Appliance that Dr. Baker recommends for all his patients. Go to and take the FREE sleep study test to see if you qualify for a sleep appliance that most insurances will take. But simple snoring can often be treated with these at-home remedies:

Adjust your body positioning laying in bed…

If you’re a chronic snorer, back isn’t best. “Most people snore more on the back than they do on the side, and more on the side than they do on the stomach,” says Dr. Baker. It can be tough to switch your preferred sleeping position, so sleep doctors often suggest this trick to encourage people to stay on their side: Sew a pocket on the back of a T-shirt between the shoulder blades, and slip two tennis balls inside.

“When people sleep on their side, their shoulder can get sore. So they roll on their back,” says Dr. Baker. “The tennis balls aren’t very comfortable, so they end up rolling to their other side.”

Not extreme enough? Try the Night Shift Sleep Positioner, a device you wear around your neck that vibrates when you roll onto your back, increasing in intensity until you shift to your side. “I wore it one night, and it drove me crazy,” says Dr. Baker. “But it worked. After a few days of that, you would not be sleeping on your back.”

Play with you pillows…

For some people, the tennis ball trick works — but only because it keeps them up all night. If you simply can’t sleep with sports equipment attached to your pajamas, try resting a body pillow between your legs, which helps align your spine and makes side sleeping more comfortable. You can also wedge a C-shaped pregnancy pillow behind your back, Dr. Baker suggests.

If you still can’t adjust to lying on your side, lie on your back, but prop up your head and shoulders. “You want to make a little incline — a wedge — with a couple pillows,” says Dr. Baker. “It’s not just lifting up your head.” Try placing one underneath your shoulders to elevate your chest, then another two under your head. That may help keep the back of your throat open.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before bed…

It’s not just your inhibitions that loosen up when you’re drinking. “Alcohol preferentially relaxes the muscles in the throat, so everybody’s snoring is worse after a couple drinks,” says Dr. Baker. Plus, since you’re more sedated after drinking, your snoring is less likely to stir you awake, leaving your bedmate to suffer longer. “Most wives will tell you, ‘When my husband goes out drinking with his buddies, he is going to snore like crazy that evening. I don’t even sleep in the bed with him that night,’” says some of Dr. Baker’s patients. The simple fix: Stop your alcohol intake within four hours of bedtime.

Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA suggests to all of his patients suffering from any snoring issue to try oral appliances. His patients state that the appliances really do make a difference in their sleep patterns and the lives of their loved ones.

If you or someone that you know has snoring problems, visit, take the sleep study test, and Dr. Baker’s office will contact you. You can also visit one of Dr. Bakers offices located in Beaver Falls, New Castle, Sarver, Butler, and Cranberry Township. They will be happy to set you up with an appointment.

Happy Sleeping!

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Posted by on September 13, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


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Best Dentist in Beaver County, PA? | Dr. Robert J. Baker | Snoring Remedy & Cure |

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Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

Leave a comment

Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


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Sleep Masters of PA + Pure Sleep = Stop Snoring | Sleep Apnea Snoring Cure – Beaver, PA |

 images images (2)images (3) images (1)
Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

Leave a comment

Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dr. Robert J Baker DMD Personalized Dentistry Helping you to Stop Snoring |

 images images (2)images (3) images (1)
Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

Leave a comment

Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Cranberry Township, PA Dentist Office Helps Snoring Sufferers | Stop Snoring |

 images images (2)images (3) images (1)
Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

Leave a comment

Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

What Health Risks Are Associated with Snoring Which Include effects | Beaver County Dentist |

 images images (2)images (3) images (1)
Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

Leave a comment

Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How to Stop Your Partner from Snoring in Beaver Falls, PA | Dentists that Treats Snoring |

 images images (2)images (3) images (1)
Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

Leave a comment

Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Anti Snore Mouthpiece – Sleep Masters of PA | Instantly Stop Snoring Chippewa, PA |

 images images (2)images (3) images (1)
Best Reviews for Snoring Oral Appliances. Who’s the Best? How can you Stop Snoring? Is there a Snoring Cure? What’s the Snoring Remedy? Is there a Sleep Apnea Alternative or trusted Oral Appliance Aids? The answer is YES! Read to find out!

Snoring is a common occurrence for those with continuous positive airway pressure, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and just being over weight. Most of us ignore the impacts of what snoring can do to the human body. Left untreated, snoring can cause further complications for those that have had the following…

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Morning Headaches

  • Dozing of during the day

  • Pain intensity

  • Stroke

  • Added weight gain

  • Mood Swings

  • Acid Reflux

  • Marriage discourage & arguments

  • Cardio conditions

There are many ways to deal with this issue and we have tested many products and services and we will tell you the best alternative to beat snoring shortly. But, we wanted to run through what we have learned thus far so that you have a better understanding of why we have chosen one certain company and their outstanding products, services, and patient care. Our research conducted was with over 100 companies, including doctor offices, web sites, and dental professionals. We cannot mention all of the services and product that did not work for us. However, we will name a few companies and products that our patients tested and have found to not work so well. Here are some of those companies…

1. – Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece, according to a patient made the patients gag reflexes more prominent.

2. ZQuiet – According to patient, you get what you pay for. The mouthpiece must continually be adjusted

3. CPAP or Breathing machine – Many of our patients were frustrated with the huge set up and loud motor and wanted to try an alternative.

4. QuietBite Mouthpiece did not work well for our patients because of the loose-fitting,

5. – SnoreRx Patients told us they were not happy with the product and their prices!


There are many reasons why patients have decided or chosen to avoid these type of places and go directly to the resource that truly assists with patients to stop snoring. Luckily, there is a place right in your back yard and they have numerous offices in the Pittsburgh region to assist you. Sleep Masters Of PA, SMOP, or was the choice and is the choice where patients have decided to go. Their product, services, and wonderful office staff have been given 5 Star Ratings all over the area including Beaver Falls, PA, Cranberry Township, Sarver, PA, Butler, PA, and New Castle PA. They are members of the following…

So, who then is the TOP RATED? Was rated # 1. That’s who.

 partners-aadsm EP TCT accredited logo square

If you don’t see other companies with these credentials, then you may want to be leery of their services and products!

Sleep Masters of PA or SMOP is a Pittsburgh area dentistry based company providing Oral Appliance Therapy to patients for Sleep Apnea and for those that suffer from Snoring. The founder is Dr. Robert J. Baker. You may be asking yourself.. ” A dentist can help me stop snoring?” The answer is … YES! These oral appliances are small devices that are worn in the mouth, similar to a orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth-guard. They are the best in the business and are very affordable! These appliances help prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat, keeping the airway open during sleep, and promoting adequate air intake for a great nights rest. If you are having trouble sleeping and are ready for an alternative way from the Sleep Apnea Machine norm, then Oral Appliance Therapy may be the answer! Visit them at their office or set up an appointment on their website .

They believe that the needs of their patients and clients come first.  Their entire team is committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of their business is from repeat customers, word of mouth, and referrals.


You can call them to make an appointment for an assessment by calling… (724) 816-8164​

Serving Western PA, Beaver Falls, Big Beaver, Darlington, Enon Valley, Cranberry, and more!

Most importantly, there is no out-of-pocket expenses when using your insurance. Most insurances excepted such as Highmark, UPMC, Medicare and most other insurances. is one of the few companies in network with the insurance companies.

So if you or someone you love snores and needs relief, do not hesitate to contact the best in the business… Dr. Robert J. Baker of Beaver Falls, PA or go to his web site at to take the Epworth Sleepiness Test to see if you should make an appointment!

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Posted by on June 30, 2015 in AFIB, AHI, american sleep association oral appliance, anti snoring pills, ARIS, Atrial Fibrillation, Beaver, Beaver Falls, Bi-PAP, Big Beaver, Cardiac, Cardiology, cardiovascular disease, central sleep apnea cure, Chippewa, Continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP, Darlington, dental impression, Dental Sleep Medicine, Diabetes, Disrupted sleep, dr oz snoring remedy, Endocrinology, Enon Valley, Epworth Scale, FMA, FMS, GURD, Highmark, home sleep test, In Network, Insomnia, Jaw position, klearway oral appliance, Medicare, Morning onset headaches, Moses Oral Appliance, mouth guard, my sleep apnea cure exercises, Neurology, night guard, Night time suffocation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, obstructive sleep apnea cure, Oral Appliance, oral appliance, oral appliance for sleep apnea, oral appliance reviews, Oral Appliance Therapy, oral appliance vs cpap, OSA, Oxygen desaturations, Pain Cycle, Pain reduction, Polysomnogram, Premature Death Syndrome, Pulmonology, PureSleep, Saturation rate, Shortness of breath, sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea cure by natural way, sleep apnea cure natural, sleep apnea cure without cpap, sleep apnea oral appliance cost, sleep apnea oral appliance reviews, sleep apnea surgery, sleep apnea treatment, Sleep Assessment, Sleep Lab, sleep medicine, sleep symptoms, SNAP, snoredoc,, Snoring, Snoring Aids, snoring aids reviews, snoring aids that work, snoring causes, snoring chin strap, snoring cure, snoring cure by yoga, snoring cure reviews, snoring cure surgery, snoring mouthpiece, snoring mouthpiece reviews, snoring mouthpiece,, snoring remedies, snoring remedy, snoring remedy cvs, snoring remedy for kids, snoring remedy homeopathy, snoring remedy mouthpiece, snoring remedy yoga, snoring solutions, snoring surgery, snoring treatment, SnorRx, stop snoring, stop snoring devices, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring mouthpiece reviews, stop snoring naturally, stop snoring products, stop snoring surgery, tap 3 oral appliance, Theravent, UPMC, Watermark, WebMD, WebMD Snoring, Weight Gain, zquiet, [OAT], [OSA]


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